Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 4, 2012

Save The World Air (OTCBB:ZERO): Breaking Down Oil

STWA (OTCBB:ZERO) an innovative company focused on technologies that improve energy efficiency, announced today that Dr. Rongjia Tao, Department Chair of Temple University's Physics Department, has captured microscopic images of the Company's Technology decreasing the viscosity of crude oil. There is a direct correlation between the time and expense of extracting and transporting crude oil with its viscosity. STWA aims to provide a turnkey solution to change the way that oil explorers, drillers and wholesalers manage oil, thereby improving their efficiency and profitability.

"The pictures obtained at NIST clearly show STWA's technology affecting crude oil at the nano-scale level," commented Mr. Cecil Bond Kyte, Chairman and CEO of STWA, Inc. "This evidence supports our upcoming testing of the AOT technology with the U.S. Department of Energy at their Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC). This confirmation is another significant milestone for the compa ny and evidence that will be helpful in securing the commitments needed in our next phases of development." The results were measured using the Small Angle Neutron Scattering Beam (NG7 SANS) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology "NIST" just outside Washington, D.C., USA.
On August 2 and 3, 2010, a group led by Dr. Rongjia Tao from Temple University conducted experiments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (CNR). NIST, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, founded in 1901 in Gaithersburg, Maryland, is the nation's first federal physical science research laboratory.

Dr. Tao's team used the NG7 SANS (Small Angle Neutron Scattering) beam to investigate at a nano-scale level, the effects produced by STWA's Technology. The NG7 line was built as a joint effort between Exxon Corporation and the U.S. Government for fluid research, and uses the relatively new technique of neutron reflectometry to investigate the near-surface structure of many materials at the molecular level. The tests captured data and pictures with and without the field, confirming scientific evidence of its effect at a molecular level.

The report can be found at the following link:

Mr. Kyte added, "The NG7 SANS is the most sophisticated technology available for watching, in real time, how our technology affects crude oil. The team was able to observe and record images at a nano-scale level direct evidence of the impact our technology has on the microstructure of the crude oil aggregating into chains, the basis by which our technology operates." Mr. Kyte ended stating that, "As global reserves continue to shift to heavier, more expensive crudes, our technology's ability to reduce crude oil's viscosity becomes increasingly relevant and valuable in enabling pipelines to operate faster and more efficiently on a global scale."

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