Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 4, 2012

Top 5 Kissing Techniques to Make Her Fall For You

It's true on what they say --- sometimes, it's all in the kiss. Most women would rate you as a lover on how you kiss and make them moan with pleasure. A bad kisser is definitely a big turn off and it's just downright bad for your status --- but don't start fretting like mad just yet! There are plenty of ways to turn it all around and transform yourself into a one hot kissing machine --- the type who girls would die for just a little smack. You think that's impossible? Well, forget all that pessimism and set aside all your inhibitions (or better yet, blow them all up!). Below are the top five kissing techniques to make her fall for you --- it's time for a little smooching session!

Maintain eye contact first. It's the very basic of all --- eye contact can lead to many things, I tell you. It's you're first step on flirting and once it progresses, the experience is an exploding one. The more you maintain eye contact, the more physically connected you will feel for each other --- so don't get her out of your sight!

Start with a sweet kiss. When your lips finally meet, don't devour it like a beast right away. Stay cool. Take it easy. Start with a sweet kiss --- this technique usually leaves the girls dumbfounded and totally seduced making it hard for them to say no. So keep the tempo - we'd definitely get to the part where you can make it a little more fervent.

Make it nice, slow and easy. It's foreplay in kissing --- rushing her for a kiss will just ruin the mood and get her pretty scared. Be nice --- at first. Make it nice, slow and easy --- girls love that. A sensual lover always keeps his girl awestruck and astonished by how you take your time to savor her. Enjoy the moment.

Use your tongue. Now that you've taken ample time to heat her up, it's time to bring out the secret weapon --- the tongue. We all know a kiss is not a kiss without it and what's more, it brings about different sensations that can definitely drive us wild --- with pleasure of cour se. So flick it inside her mouth and watch her moan with desire for you.

Explode it with passion. The time has come to explore her mouth --- get all passionate and kiss her with ardor get a little rough if you have to. Keep your hands busy as well --- caress her back, hold her close --- the works. She will clinging for you like a lifesaver in no time.

Are you still up for more hot sizzling kissing techniques guaranteed to make your girl ask for more? Make her want you like crazy and get some free lessons on creative kissing tricks and even on French kissing techniques by visiting my website now! It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with women and for you to seduce girls you thought you'd never get a chance with! You're on click away from all the excitement!

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